Choose a configuration above to see today's action steps.
Take a look at the list of enhancements below. Pick three that look interesting, and click through to explore how they work.
Choose the tool that looks the most useful to you. If necessary, install it. Then, spend a few minutes testing it out.
Create a calendar appointment for a month from now to return to this page and explore another tool. Defer today's ReviveYourInbox email to that day.
RYI Approved Power Tools
- Boomerang for Gmail: Scheduled sending, email reminders, and response tracking all integrated beautifully into the Gmail interface. We make Boomerang, so our investors would probably ask for their money back if we didn't give it top billing. (3rd party)
- Send and Archive Lab: Send a reply and archive the conversation with a single button. A beautiful shortcut.
- Rapportive: Expand the Google People Widget to include Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook data. Learn more about who you're emailing. (3rd party)
- Quote Selected Text: Pretty much what you'd expect. Whatever text you have selected when you click reply will be quoted in the new message.
- Message Translation: Translate messages to your language using Google Translate.
Also Consider: Taskforce (integrated task management, 3rd party), Send from Gmail Extension (opens mailto links in Gmail), Priority Inbox (automatically sorts messages by estimated importance), (consolidates subscription emails into a daily digest, 3rd party), GQueues (Google-integrated task management system, 3rd party)
Take a look at the list of enhancements below. Pick three that look interesting, and click through to explore how they work.
Choose the tool that looks the most useful to you. If necessary, install it. Then, spend a few minutes testing it out.
Create a calendar appointment for a month from now to return to this page and explore another tool. Defer today's ReviveYourInbox email to that day.
RYI Approved Power Tools
- Boomerang for Outlook: Easy email reminders, built right into the Outlook interface. We make Boomerang, so our investors would probably ask for their money back if we didn't give it top billing. (3rd party)
- Quick Steps: Turn repetitive tasks into a one-button feature. Easy to configure, very powerful, highly recommended.
- Social Connector: Show information from Exchange, Twitter, Facebook, and other social sources about the person you're emailing with.
- Search Folders: When you need one-click access to a set of search results, set up a search folder to save yourself a lot of headaches.
- Message Translation: Translate messages to your language directly from Outlook
Also Consider: ClearContext (tasks, prioritization, and more. powerful, but may slow down Outlook. 3rd party), Xobni (more feature-rich social connector replacement, also includes enhanced search, contact prioritization, and more. powerful, but may slow down Outlook. 3rd party)
Take a look at the enhancement guidelines below. Pick a few that look interesting, and click through to explore how they work.
Choose the tool that looks the most useful to you. If necessary, install it. Then, spend a few minutes testing it out.
Create a calendar appointment for a month from now to return to this page and explore another tool. Defer today's ReviveYourInbox email to that day.
RYI Approved Power Tools:
Thunderbird provides a full-featured Add-ons gallery for you to browse. Check it out
here, and choose some add-ons that look good to you! Mail
For Apple Mail, check out
Smart Mailboxes, and for, consider the
Sweep tool to keep a clean inbox
We weren't able to create specific tips for other mail clients. Consider doing a search for "power tools your_mail_client" on a site like Lifehacker or SuperUser to find tips for your mail client.